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Policy Research

A Study on Reforming Supervision System of PPP Toll Road for Public Interest
  • Date

    November 30 2017

  • Page(s)

    148 page(s)

In this study, firstly, according to the toll road method and private investment law, a private business, which was a nonprofit management office, was set up with the right to manage the toll roads to collect the toll roads and the characteristics of each concession agreement. The results of the project are as follows.
Through this, it is possible to grasp the insufficiently supervised management of private road companies, and to refer to cases of business organizations and supervisory organizations in the domestic transportation sector, legislative cases for establishing management organizations for supervision of business organizations in other fields, and presented the scenario for each type of supervisory organization. Next, after analyzing the pros and cons of each scenario and recommending the most appropriate alternative, it recommended the establishment of the supervisory body and the optimal option for the representative organization, funding for establishment and operation.
This study is based on the review of some amendments to the toll road law, which was initiated by Representative Jeon Hyun-hee of [Appendix] on August 14, 2017. However, In order to minimize the legal risk, the company appointed five lawyers as consultants for the establishment and financing of the project.